More details, for you inquiring minds:
1. Time for a facial. I loooove this black rub-on and peel-off mask.
2. Steven has busily been repotting orchids today.
3. our loooong crazy plant we call *Cher Hair* repotted and renovated today to more closely fade into the stair newel. Isn't she darling?
4. JingXia prepares to make a *huge* mess in the dining room, repotting plants. Yes, in the dining room. Didn't we just make a greenhouse to make a mess in??
5. some repotted orchids in a fancy pants pot
6. a beautiful antherium in bloom (help me with spelling, somebody)
7. the new (to me anyway) sixties kitsch coffee set for two. It's made by the Swedish company called Rorstrand, and the pattern is "Curtis." I love it. Came all the way from some lady in Great Britain. A little hot coffee, some choclate, honey, cream, maybe some Bailey's or whiskey, yum yum.
8. a cleanfaced me, post-mask.